3Suggested School Supplies
- 2-inch binders (1 per subject)
- Loose leaf paper
- Dividers (approximately 4 per binder)
- Pens, pencils, case for storage
- Highlighters
- Ruler
- Lock – see below
Some teachers may suggest specific school supplies for their class.
Math Calculators
One of the following calculators is required for Math 10, 11 and 12. Calculators are not required for Math 8 or 9 but students who wish to purchase one should choose from the list below.
- Texas Instruments: TI30X 11S
- Texas Instruments: TI30Xa
- Sharp: EL510RNB
- Sharp: EL501XB WB
- Casio: FX-260
School Locks
All students are required to have a combination lock for their lockers. Lockers will be assigned on the first day of school. Students registered in PE classes should have a second lock available for use in the change room to lock up valuables. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Combination locks are available for purchase at the school office for $9.00 each. We recommend using school locks as they are strong and durable.
Gym Strip
Gym strip should include shorts or sweatpants, t-shirt, sweatshirt for cold weather, socks and running shoes. Students require a lock for lockers in the change rooms during PE class.