Student Schedules

Student schedules will be available for viewing on MyEd BC and Student Connect near the end of August. Our counsellors and teachers work hard ensuring that students and parents are provided with the necessary information required to make wise course selections. Our school is staffed and our timetable is created based on the course requests that students make in the springtime. Once staffing needs are determined and the timetable is created, it is extremely difficult, and in many cases, impossible, to accommodate course change requests. Course change requests will be considered for the following reasons: student has an incomplete schedule of courses, courses have been scheduled in the incorrect order (ex: Math 11 in semester 1 and Math 10 in semester 2), student is missing a course required for graduation, student requires a course for post-secondary reasons. In order to request a course change, students should complete the Course Change Request Form shared in the Welcome Back Newsletter sent by email in August. When the school year begins, students who have submitted a course change request should attend the classes listed on their schedule until their counsellor has communicated with them that a change has been made to their schedule.