Student Registration

Please email your registration documents to If further documentation is required, an appointment may need to be scheduled. 

Registration will begin on the first Monday in February for the following school year.  Forms will be available online at the Delta School District Website

The following documentation must be submitted at the time of registration. Registrations will not be accepted or dated until all documentation is received.

Proof of Residency

If you own your home we require one of the following:

  • a copy of your current year property tax assessment  OR
  • a copy of your purchase agreement.

If you rent your home we require the following:

  • a copy of the legal rental agreement  OR 
  • a signed District Verification of Address by Landlord form  AND
  • a copy of a supporting utility document showing renter’s name and address.

Proof of Citizenship or Status in Canada

Both the student and parent must provide proof of citizenship or status in Canada (original birth certificate, passport, immigration or refugee documentation).

Report Card

A copy of the most recent report card or transcript of grades.

Parent Declaration

A parent/legal guardian must complete and sign the Parent Declaration for each child attending a Delta school.

Please send the registration form and documents listed above in one email. Please ensure that all documents included with your child’s registration are legible. Incomplete information and documents will delay the registration process.