First Day of School

First Day of School, Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Grade 8:   9:30 – 11:00 am

Grade 8 students should pick up a hard copy of their schedule in the foyer at 9:20AM. Grade 8 students are then to report to the gymnasium at 9:30 am. After a brief assembly, students will be met by their Block A teachers and taken to their Block A classroom. During this time schedules will be distributed, lockers will be assigned and school photos will be taken. Students should have a combination lock with them on the first day; locks may be brought from home or may be purchased from the school office ($9.00). In addition, it is mandatory that each student use an additional lock to secure their belongings when participating in their Physical Health and Education class. While all students have their photo taken for a Go Card and the yearbook, picture packages are also available for purchase (see School Photos for more information). Grade 8 students will have an opportunity to locate their other classes and familiarize themselves with the layout of the building. Students should bring a pen or pencil, notebook, and money for a lock, if desired.

Grade 9:  10:45 am – 11:45 am

Grade 9 students are to report to their Block A (Day 1) classrooms. During this time, students will review their schedules in MyEd, lockers will be assigned and school photos will be taken. Students should have a combination lock with them on the first day; locks may be brought from home or may be purchased from the school office ($9.00). In addition, it is mandatory that each student use an additional lock to secure their belongings when participating in their Physical Health and Education class. While all students have their photo taken for a Go Card and the yearbook, picture packages are also available for purchase (see School Photos for more information). Students should bring a pen or pencil, notebook, and money for a lock if desired. .

Grade 10: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Grade 10 students are to report to their Block A (Day 1) classrooms. During this time, students will review their schedules in MyEd, lockers will be assigned and school photos will be taken. Students should have a combination lock with them on the first day; locks may be brought from home or may be purchased from the school office ($9.00). In addition, it is mandatory that each student use an additional lock to secure their belongings when participating in their Physical Health and Education class. While all students have their photo taken for a Go Card and the yearbook, picture packages are also available for purchase (see School Photos for more information). Students should bring a pen or pencil, notebook, and money for a lock if desired.

Grade 11: 12:15 – 1:15 pm

Grade 11 students are to report to their Block A (Day 1) classrooms. During this time, students will review their schedules in MyEd, lockers will be assigned and school photos will be taken. Students should have a combination lock with them on the first day; locks may be brought from home or may be purchased from the school office ($9.00). In addition, it is mandatory that each student use an additional lock to secure their belongings when participating in their Physical Health and Education class. While all students have their photo taken for a Go Card and the yearbook, picture packages are also available for purchase (see School Photos for more information). Students should bring a pen or pencil, notebook, and money for a lock if desired.

Grade 12: 1:00 – 2:00 pm

Grade 12 students are to report to their Block A (Day 1) classrooms. During this time, students will review their schedules in MyEd, lockers will be assigned and school photos will be taken. Students should have a combination lock with them on the first day; locks may be brought from home or may be purchased from the school office ($9.00). In addition, it is mandatory that each student use an additional lock to secure their belongings when participating in their Physical Health and Education class. While all students have their photo taken for a Go Card and the yearbook, picture packages are also available for purchase (see School Photos for more information). Students should bring a pen or pencil, notebook, and money for a lock if desired.

The regular schedule will begin on Wednesday, September 4th, which is a late start for students, 9:30 am, Day 1, Blocks A, B, C and D.